Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Folder View - Show Checked Out content

     Previous blog talked about how folders can be used to store and organize contents in WebCenter content. Folders component is a must have if we want to use WebDAV feature with WebCenter Content.
     In a document management or records management implementation users would like to see more details about the contents that are present inside the folder apart from the default fields shown. Folders view does not provide search results templates like feature where users add additional columns. One must turn to customization to do it.
   Users usually would like to see various states of the documents while they are browsing for them instead of actually clicking on the info icon of each content.
    This post will show how to show checkedout status of a content. We are all aware of initial song and dance involved when doing any customization. Identify the Service, Template, htm and include. Please refer to my previous post on how to identify above resources for modifying Folder view. Steps 1 to 6 remain same.
   All we need to know is where is the information for checked out status of documents, Resulset CONTENTS has dIsCheckedOut and dCheckoutUser columns which can be used to show the status.

PS: If a user wants to see the list of contents that are checked out then one can use Content Management --> Checked out content link on the home page.